Mixtapes made by Bay Area Artists to help get through devastating times
Playlist #1 Maurya Kerr
Maurya Kerr is a bay area-based choreographer, poet, performer, educator, filmmaker, and the artistic director of tinypistol.
Much of her work, across disciplines, is focused on black and brown people reclaiming their birthright to both wonderment and the quotidian.
Maurya was a member of Alonzo King LINES Ballet for twelve years, an ODC artist-in-residence from 2015 to 2018, and holds an MFA from Hollins University.
“I started this playlist with songs of fight/riot and love, but ended up needing, for myself, to head more toward love and the quieter (but no less powerful) gestures— the beautiful revolutionary power of accumulated dailiness. Since we all face different demons, we all have our respective revolutionary acts—maybe deciding to live today is your revolutionary act; if so, praise be and we are so fucking grateful to have you in the world, our world, my world. To quote Jamila Woods (on this playlist): “It’s not going to be a big production, it’s not butterflies or fireworks, I said it’s gonna be a tiny garden, but I feed it every day, I feed it every day…” - Maurya Kerr