Your support makes a difference
Help us create innovative art and music experiences that excite and inspire and remain accessible to a diverse group of people. Only a small fraction of our funding comes from ticket sales; the most comes from public and private donations, such as foundations, government agencies and especially individuals like you. 100% of your tax-deductible donation goes to supporting artists, operations and assisting the production of our program Soundwave.
In-Kind Donations & Sponsorships
Please contact us!
Donations by Check
Make check payable to “MEDIATE ART GROUP” and send to:
55 Taylor Street, San Francisco, CA, 94102-3916
Please include your address, email and phone so you may receive your tax-deduction donation acknowledgement letter from us.
Donor Advised Funds
As your clients seek advice and counsel, please consider recommending MEDIATE as a beneficiary. We can answer your questions and provide further information for individual donors, families, advisors and financial institutions. For more information, please email us.
Click on the button above and fill out a simple Paypal donation form. Consider a recurring monthly donation that will ensure a sustainable future for our non-profit. Be sure to include your address, email and phone so you may receive your tax-deduction acknowledgement letter from us.